Wednesday, 11 May 2011

LDC IV - Let the Graphs do the Talking

With the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-IV) now upon us, I decided to create some charts which may be useful for charities and NGOs trying to raise the profile of sanitation on the agenda. Excitingly, End Water Poverty used some of the below charts in one of their presentations! (More to follow on this in subsequent posts). Without further ado, let's get into it!

1). Sanitation MDG LDC Progress:

The light blue is where we need to be in order to reach the MDG by 2015.  The darker blue is where we actually are.  World Bank data goes to 2008, so from this point I have assumed that future progress will the same as past - These estimations are shown as the bubbles in red.

As you can see, we're behind and unless action is taken, and taken now, we're going to slip even further behind

2). That many?!
Here I've used a simple picture to display the number of people living in LDCs who don't have access to sanitation.

When people quote numbers at me it numbs the effect, however if someone shows me a graph like above, I stop to think...  It really is that many.

3). Baby Killers

The question here is: What are the main diseases that kill new born babies in LDC?  The answer:

That's right, diarrhoea is the number one cause for child death at birth, killing over 6 times as many babies than HIV (that small purple bubble is HIV by the way, I realise it's so small it's hard to read!) and over twice as many babies than malaria! Yet currently the trend has been that HIV has gotten most of the attention.

Hope you enjoyed the graphs, comments and thoughts, as always, welcome.

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